Hurdal & Garsjøen Farm Mini-Tour Matson - Garson Genealogies | Home | Page Index | Pictures | Reports | E-Mail Fred Matson |
Compliments of Atle Rønning, across this beautiful field is Hurdal Church and cemetery. Because so many of my ancestors and Strum community residents and former residents are from this area of Norway, at my visit of the cemetery in 1968 I felt like this was home. So many of the names on the tombstones in this cemetery are the same as in Strum, Wisconsin. In fact, in the early settlement days of Strum, one of two Norwegian Lutheran Churches in this small community of less than 600, was for a short time called Hurdal Norwegian Lutheran Church. It was later renamed, St. Paul's Lutheran Church. The name Hurdal had a chance because a large contingent had emigrated from Hurdal to America and Strum, Wisconsin. Click here for a closeup of Hurdal Church. Fred Matson |