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3 July 2008:
Considerable progress made recently in verifying that Michael Zieske born 1816 (m. Anna Christina Schulz) and Michael Zieske born 1846 (m. Wilhemenia Sonnenberg) are Uncle/Nephew. So, two Zieske families are confirmed to be related. Save the following link to your Favorities and Follow our weekly progress at the Zieske Extended Family Research project on this site. Michael Zieske born 1846's father, Gottlieb Zieske died in Ascherbude and Michael's mother remarried Wilhelm Matz. They all end up for a while in Nicollet county, Beradotte twp, MN. We still have not solved who are the parents of Wilhelm Zieske (m. Wilhelmina Burk) who settles in McLeod and Douglas counties, MN. We believe the parents are in Putzig. This resolve will link (or, not) two of our 4 Zieske families.  

27 May 2008:
I reorganized information and pages re: the Zieske search in Prussia under Zieske records/genealogy. Also added a new cover page for the Zieske, Zieski or Ziske Prussia Research project. Included on this page is a link to our projects extensive progress report which includes extracted church records and discussion papers. Included on the project cover page are also links to genealogy for the four families we search.  

24 February 2008:
Zieske family search in Prussia continues with much success. We are searching 4 separate (in America) Zieske groups. Two of the 4 have been found in Putzig and Putzighauland (4km apart), Czarnikau, Posen, Prussia. This is about half way between Berlin, Germany and Warsaw, Poland. The area is modern day Poland. The couple, Michael Zieske & Anna Christina Schulz and there children are found, except for one, Julia. She will likely also be born in Putzig. I am waiting for a microfilm with church records for that period. Children and parents of the Michael Zieski & Anna Maria Krenz have been found. Two are pending. For one of these, Johann, who came to Wisconsin and whose son is John Zieski who married Lucia Harriet Baker, we have all three marriages documented.

I have found and viewed a possible birth and baptism of Dianne's great grandfather, Michael Zieske who married Wilhelmina Sonnenberg. The birth is 26 Sep 1846 vs. family believe birth of 26 Sep 1847. But the record is intriguing. The father is Gottlieb Zieske and mother is Anna Rosina Arnd. What is curious about this record is that later, in USA, Michael born 1846 or 1847 served in the Civil War with a Frederick Arndt and both did so out of Princeton, Wisconsin and entered the same same Company at the same time. Both were listed as farmers around Princeton, WI at the time. After the Civil War, Frederick Arndt stays first in Wisconsin and marries there but then joins the southern Minnesota Zieske group, including Michael born 1846/1847.....and later a son of Frederick Arndt, Fred G. Arndt, marries Helen Zieske.  There is a very good chance that this 1846 record in Ascherbude is our Michael Zieske but born 1846 instead of 1847 as family bellieves. I have seen the record on microfilm and have a picture. The year is clearly 1846. This has yet to be proven.

Dianne (Lisko) & Fred Matson
17 January 2005, 29 November 2006, 2 December 2006, 27 Jan 2007, 27 Sep 2007, 24 Feb, 27 May, 3 Jul 2008