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Hello!  Welcome to the LISKO-ZIESKE part of the MATSON-GARSON WEB site known as

Yes, “nor” is for Norwegian and “hemian” is for Bohemian. You can probably figure out which families are which. Each family and community story is actually part of one WEB site.  This LISKO-ZIESKE part is not yet as developed but time will cure that. Search any Internet search engine for the word norhemian and the result will point to our WEB site.

Because this is actually a single WEB site, you could end up in the MATSON-GARSON part when you want to be in this LISKO-ZIESKE part. We have tried to make it easy for you to move from one to the other should that happen. But, a little Norwegian mixed in with Bohemian never hurt anyone that we know of.  In time, the HOME page for this WEB site will be revised to reflect two major subparts. For now, there will always be a link to the LISKO-ZIESKE home page (this part) from the MATSON-GARSON home page at  

PAGE TITLE SECTION: This LISKO-ZIESKE WEB site is constructed so that each section is accessible from each page.  The top section of each page is constant except for the page title (note the title of this page is "help") that is above the LISKO-ZIESKE main title. The top of each page lists the same links: Introduction, Help, Page Index, Progress Reports, Pictures, Records/Genealogy and E-Mail Me.

Previous Page and Next Page links are used to link story narrative that requires more than one page, or, to link pages in a pre-designed sequence or mini-view. Even if these links are not active (“hot”), the words will remain but will not be underlined or "hot"..

As with other WEB sites, be careful not to confuse our Previous Page and Next Page links with the BACK and FORWARD buttons on your Internet browser. Browser buttons (arrows) take you back or forward to the most recent pages you have visited on your computer, even to pages that are not of this WEB site. We have no controls to keep you at this WEB site.   

Page Index Link: This is the main index for LISKO-ZIESKE. It lists or gives you access to all pages through links. From here you can choose pages to view and access any other part of the site. From the Page Index, you can also link to the Matson-Garson HOME page. If ever you are in doubt about how to get to something on this site, return to the Page Index location for all options.

Progress Reports Link: This is the location of any reports of progress on our research on the LISKO-ZIESKE family.

Pictures Link: All pictures are listed and linked here. Most pictures will include explanations. Pictures on this WEB site are not linked in any sequence but they may be linked to and from narrative and story.

Records/Genealogy Link: Often in picture form, these are records of events and family genealogies. Here you may find ship passenger records, descendancy charts, ancestor charts and other.

E-Mail Me Link: We would very much like to hear from you. Your comments, ideas and corrections or additions are all welcomed. We want this site to be accurate and enjoyable. You can E-Mail us directly from the E-Mail link found on any page.


Dianne (Lisko) & Fred Matson of Oakdale, Minnesota
18 January 2005, update 24 January 2007