Loading the Picture. Could be slow, but well worth it.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Part 4 - 60th Anniversary (1 of 4 Parts of the Full Picture) - Part 2
Strum, Wisconsin, September 18-19, 1937
Rev. O. A. Hjemboe, Pastor

This picture is provided compliments of Dan Olsen of Portland, Oregon. On this WEB site it is in 4 parts. Dan is connected to the Semingson family.

I hope you can save and zoom into this picture. I have Microsoft Windows XP and am able to RIGHT CLICK on the picture, then I select the SAVE PICTURE AS feature, SAVE it in MY PICTURES, and then go to the file (picture) that is now on my computer, double click on the picture, and zoom in. Another option is to click FILE, then choose SAVE AS, and then SAVE the picture into the MY DOCUMENTS group. Either way, now I can see faces close up. You may have these or similar features on your computer. This picture may load slowly.

Email me, Fred Matson, with any knowledge of this picture. Who can you identify?

Posted 13 April 2004